- Yagna on the Inauguration Day
- Vidhyarambha at Udhbhavaha
- Our Campus!!
- Welcoming the Cows to our Campus
- Trees are the place where we 'Hang' Out!
- Learning 'Under' the Tree!
- Story -> Drawing -> Aksharas is the way we learn!
- Learning Aksharas through Images
- Learning about Samudramanthana and Koormavatara
- Math Class!
- Practically understanding the Concepts of Measurement
- Farming in action
- Children learning to Plough!
- Learning the art and science of Natural Composting!
- Parents Participating in Harvesting!
- Learning Natural and Sustainable methods of Constructions.
- Bharatanatyam!
- Project Work - Learning about Water Scarcity and Water Harvesting
- Creating awareness about Water Scarcity through our Paintings!
- Archery practice
- Kalaripayattu Practice
- Learning to rescue Snakes
- Varamahalakshmi Vrata Celebration!
- Traditional Dasara Bombe made by our Children!
- Makara Sankranti Celebration
- Book stall of Famous Authors at the Event
- Dates Harvesting Festival
- Participants making Seed Balls...
- The 'Dates' Star! Diwakar Mama...
- Teachers also 'Hang' Out on Trees!
- Atma Manthan - Monthly Parent-Teacher Interaction
- Play time during Atma Manthan
- Nature walks - Exploring the geography around us!
- After Rock Climbing
- Start of Varsha Rutu!
- Perfect Depiction of Where we stand in front of Nature!